
Thursday, November 22, 2012

My Cute Little Owl

Busy, busy, busy!  Seems that there are just so many wonderful things to do!  And now the holidays are upon us with joyful times with friends and family!  My craft room doesn't see as much of me right now, but I have been able to make a start on some fun Christmas cards.  But lately my passion has been to crochet some delightful items for my family.

I don't have time to post pics of everything I am making, but this little owl phone cozy is one of my favs.  He was sooo much fun to make!

I list a few of my crochet items on Etsy,  (just the really fun ones)  and this is one of them.  And you can see him here.   I think my teenage grand-daughters are going to get a kick out of this gift!

Happy Thanksgiving Day to all!!!!